Dreams, Nightmares and Everything In Between.

A boutique small publisher featuring speculative fiction, horror, humor and pop culture.

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THE SHADOW OVER VINLAND sample: “Under the Overlords”

During second watch of the night, we saw the first other scavengers we’d run across in probably a month. I didn’t know if that meant survivors were getting really thin[…]

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THE SHADOW OVER VINLAND sample: “Where the Heart Is”

As Tim had expected, the farmhouse seemed smaller to him now. It was more than the difference between child­hood and adult perspective; he had noticed other times that abandoned houses[…]

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THE SHADOW OVER VINLAND sample: “Vovechia”

Jeffrey was hit full in the face by the chill wind swooping down off the mountains as he exited the DC-3, almost flip­ping his hat from his head. The air[…]

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